
How Playing Games in Zoom Can Increase Your Effectiveness

By |2020-11-01T21:48:47+13:00August 31st, 2020|Articles, Business, Productivity|

  Have you felt Zoom Fatigue within the last month? If you’ve been meeting with people remotely — your family, your co-workers, your team or your community — via Zoom, then I think it’s safe to say the answer is ‘yes.’ These meetings aren’t necessarily boring, but without any novelty or variety in the place we meet, it’s easy [...]

Working From Home: Be Thy Own Boss

By |2020-03-25T10:17:43+13:00March 24th, 2020|Entrepreneur, Productivity|

SQUIRREL! Did something just take your attention? Run after it, nobody can stop you! The greatest thing about working from home is your flexibility. But this is also a danger. You have the ability to pivot your attention at a moment's notice - and you don't have to check with a board, or a [...]

How To Change All Your Passwords After Heartbleed

By |2016-12-20T07:37:06+13:00April 9th, 2014|Blog, Hacks, How To, Productivity, Pura Vida MultiMedia|

You need passwords. For your banking, email, and social media profiles, you need passwords for every account. And Heartbleed has made every password you've ever had very, very vulnerable. What Is Heartbleed? Heartbleed is a security flaw in OpenSSL, the open-source security certificate that encrypts sensitive data. SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is a protocol that [...]

5 Productivity Tools to Beat Procrastination

By |2016-12-10T16:12:02+13:00September 17th, 2013|Blog, Productivity, Pura Vida MultiMedia|

Productive people make things happen. Procrastinators make good excuses. “Productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of a commitment to excellence, intelligent planning, and focused effort.” – Paul Meyer Deadline. The very name sounds menacing and morbid. Many procrastinators can only finish their work under mortal threat. Knowing they will be completely [...]

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