
The Hungry Magic of 3-Star Amazon Reviews

By |2020-02-18T12:08:44+13:00February 18th, 2020|Entrepreneur, Marketing|

Have you ever had to feed a hungry toddler? They don’t care about what you, as a grown-up, think about cooking oils. They don’t care about the nutritional content of the food. They only care that they are hungry (and what they eat should taste good). If you ask a hungry toddler which kind of [...]

Research Your Competition for Fun & Profit

By |2020-02-21T16:51:09+13:00February 12th, 2020|Entrepreneur, Marketing|

Have you ever been lost in the woods?The only way out is through, it's true, but not all directions are the same.Tramping one way might lead you closer to where you want to go; choosing the wrong direction could keep you lost, indefinitely.What is the surest method to find your way out?Find a trail.If you [...]

The Challenges of Solopreneurship

By |2020-01-16T14:07:27+13:00January 21st, 2020|Business, Entrepreneur|

Do you work for yourself? Are you your own boss? Do you make all the decisions in your business? Then you are probably a Solopreneur. The easy definition of a 'Solopreneur' is: a person who sets up and runs a business on their own. After 10 years of working with Solopreneurs, I've found they generally [...]

The 4 Types of Solopreneurs

By |2020-01-16T14:02:00+13:00January 13th, 2020|Business, Entrepreneur|

What is a Solopreneur? Solopreneurs are the kinds of people who value flexibility and autonomy. People who prefer to guide their careers by the kind of work they want to be doing, instead of the work that a manager tells them to do. A Solopreneur might employ freelancers or contractors, or even have a [...]

Gutenberg is Coming to WordPress

By |2020-02-03T11:28:33+13:00August 12th, 2018|Blog, Business, Content Marketing, Entrepreneur, Geek Time, How To, Marketing, Stellar Platforms, Web Design|

The new Gutenberg editor is the future of WordPress. I've decided to take Gutenberg for a spin in advance of the core update. Since WordPress website design is the foundation of my business, I'm always testing the latest tools and upgrades in advance, for two reasons: a) I want to make sure it doesn't break [...]

Professional Clarity

By |2017-09-01T19:45:29+12:00February 13th, 2017|Business, Entrepreneur, Introspection|

I've decided to get clear about what I do.   For years, the unofficial feedback I get from people is, "I'm not entirely sure what it is you do, Caelan - but I know it has something to do with computers!"   I've heard this so many times, so consistently over the years, it's been [...]

Pivot to Pivot

By |2018-01-01T17:47:07+13:00December 19th, 2016|Business, Entrepreneur, Introspection|

I took almost a year off of this blog, and there were many reasons for my absence. The biggest reason is: during 2016 I pivoted my main brand three times. Pivot 1: BeTheBetterDad.com Pivot 2: WellnessWebsiteDesign.com Pivot 3: StellarPlatforms.com Pivot One Internally, I still call this project Father Fitness, even though it went [...]

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