
Questions for Virtual Speed Networking

By |2025-01-03T14:44:45+13:00March 15th, 2022|Articles|

  I recently hosted a Virtual Speed Networking event in, an interactive virtual event platform. Here are some of the questions that participants asked each other in 5-minute speed networking sessions: What are you working on right now that's got you excited? If you could have anyone as your dinner guest, living or dead, [...]

Every question contains a quest

By |2023-01-29T11:15:56+13:00January 13th, 2022|Articles|

  Without questions, there is no quest to take you from where you are to where you want to be. The movement of a quest prevents stagnation.   Questions invite you into the unknown. The best coaching relationships I have had are like a game of ping pong. The coach will start by sending a [...]

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