
Editing Across Mediums

By |2011-04-29T20:45:40+12:00April 29th, 2011|Business|

Today, I had the good fortune of working on two separate editing projects Writing -Editing: a nonfiction book proposal Video - Editing: a 30 minute multicamera interview and I learned a valuable insight. Editing is the process of removing the fluff that helps us tell our stories. This fluff, consisting of ums, false [...]

Alone, I don’t go far.

By |2011-03-02T15:30:52+13:00March 2nd, 2011|Business, Introspection|

I am squashing my ability to accomplish by trying to accomplish everything alone. I am sitting in an empty television studio, that I have access to today, by myself. Symbolically, I cannot record. I had a basic idea of how to do it; I brought one DVD and a seven minute juggling act, and thought [...]

2000 business cards. Phew.

By |2011-01-25T21:05:15+13:00January 25th, 2011|Business|

I went through my old stash of business cards tonight, and it was very illuminative. While no announcement has been made yet, I'm preparing to launch a new marketing company (web design, content, and video).  I went through all of my old business cards and culled out all the ones who would not take my [...]

Expendable Salespeople mean a Sluggish Economy

By |2010-10-19T16:53:54+13:00October 19th, 2010|Business, Excellence|

Jobs are so scarce right now, and employers are so hesitant to outlay capital, that the standard default worth of any given salesperson is straight commission. Go out and sell my stuff for me, and I’ll give you a piece. It sounds nice in theory; performance based pay means you’re not carrying any dead weight [...]

Via Jolie O’Dell: “You’re Not an Entrepreneur”

By |2010-10-07T16:06:37+13:00October 7th, 2010|Business|

Jolie O'Dell gives idea fountains (like me) a well deserved kick in the pants: I am officially taking the word “entrepreneur” away from you. In the sublime and ever-so-fitting phrasing of Inigo Montoya, “You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.” Over the past few years, more [...]

Freelance Services

By |2010-09-26T03:24:59+13:00September 26th, 2010|Business|

Currently, I’m looking for a full-time job.  Which is it’s own…full-time job. A guy like me is never happy with just one job at a time, however.  I am currently taking freelance clients for the following services: _______________________________ ONE-HOUR MARKETING CONSULTATION: In person, on the phone, or via Skype We brainstorm on your business, your [...]

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