
What game are you playing?

By |2024-12-31T13:57:42+13:00January 31st, 2024|Articles, Productivity, Uncategorized|

People feel life is meaningless when they don’t have goals, rules, and feedback. (These are the 3 attributes of games, according to Dr Jason Fox, that I describe in-depth in my short ebook Gamify Your Work.) Playing the game of life, and doing work that supports your lifestyle, is only made meaningful if we have goals to achieve, rules for how to play, and feedback on [...]

Internet advice goes stale. Don’t trust it.

By |2023-12-31T16:18:01+13:00September 7th, 2023|Articles, Marketing|

Internet advice goes stale, but that doesn't mean it goes away. You could be following advice that worked great 5 years ago, but it's no longer working. This is something I find frequently in my work as a marketer. Because I'm in the trenches, testing tactics, I can see what's failing during a hype cycle. [...]

📙 🎂 My book had a birthday! 🎊 🎉

By |2023-12-31T16:17:46+13:00August 17th, 2023|Articles, Content Marketing, Marketing, Stellar Platforms|

This week marks the 1-year anniversary of the publication of my first book, Marketing Yourself. Here's the replay of the Launch Party. During this 45-minute video, recorded last year, you can see: the book covers I (almost) used the 4 levels of a Personal Platform the 4 Cornerstones that elevate your platform to the next level [...]

Reward Yourself for Inbox Zero

By |2023-12-31T16:17:41+13:00August 10th, 2023|Articles, Blog, Productivity|

I was in the middle of mighty-tasking when I had a brilliant idea. This idea had nothing to do with the project I was working on. If I had stopped to tend to this idea properly, it would derail the state of flow I had achieved. I did not want to sacrifice my current project for a [...]

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