
About Caelan Huntress

Caelan Huntress is an American digital nomad living in New Zealand, and has spent ten years running an online business while traveling the world with his young family. Caelan is a website designer, copywriter, and sales strategist who specializes in helping entrepreneurs make more money in less time through setting up smart marketing systems. Subscribe to Caelan's newsletter here.

Positive attitude is not permanent.

By |2013-10-02T11:39:09+13:00October 2nd, 2013|Excellence|

I spend most of my time as a positive thinker. This is by choice, not by temperament. My nature is to be moody and grouch about what is going wrong in my life.  “Happiness is a choice that requires effort.” - Aeschylus I don’t have a naturally sunny disposition. When I think positive, it is [...]

A Rebirth by Fire on #DesireMap Friday

By |2017-12-30T14:29:38+13:00September 20th, 2013|Introspection|

How do you feel about destroying what must be destroyed in your life? A question posed by Danielle LaPorte. Before I jump into my answer to this question, I want to take a moment to savor the brilliance of the way she asked it. Danielle has hundreds of thousands of followers on social media, people who love [...]

5 Productivity Tools to Beat Procrastination

By |2016-12-10T16:12:02+13:00September 17th, 2013|Blog, Productivity, Pura Vida MultiMedia|

Productive people make things happen. Procrastinators make good excuses. “Productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of a commitment to excellence, intelligent planning, and focused effort.” – Paul Meyer Deadline. The very name sounds menacing and morbid. Many procrastinators can only finish their work under mortal threat. Knowing they will be completely [...]

No enemies, no drama, and a new place to live.

By |2017-12-29T20:19:49+13:00September 2nd, 2013|Family|

This is a story about a pedophile I never knew, a landlord I once called a friend, and a family of gypsies escaping into the night. “This is what gypsies do,” my wife said to me as we were packing our sparse possessions into a small caravan of modern-day gypsy wagons. “They pack in the [...]

The Magic of the Internet

By |2013-08-19T10:00:38+12:00August 19th, 2013|Introspection|

I have access to all of the collected information of mankind, and it sits in my hands, in this wizard's tome. Anything I wish to know, any language I wish to speak, any formula discovered by any scientist since the dawn of time, I have it all. This is the age of man where we [...]

How To Plan Email Newsletter Campaigns With Trello

By |2020-02-03T11:36:01+13:00August 13th, 2013|Blog, Content Marketing, How To, Marketing, Pura Vida MultiMedia|

For project management, brainstorming, and collaboration, my favorite tool of all time is Trello. Trello is a virtual bulletin board, where you create drag-and-drop lists populated with cards. Every card can have labels, assigned members, checklists, comments, file attachments, and more. Every list lets you drag and drop the cards, allowing you to arrange your [...]

My daily rhythm

By |2013-08-05T09:45:32+12:00August 5th, 2013|Excellence|

A daily rhythm can serve as the metronome for the song of your life.I first learned about setting a daily rhythm through Waldorf education. By providing a regular daily series of events, a child can easily transition from one stage to the next.Having three small children in a small house, we created a wonderful daily [...]

Sugar is good for your BRAIN!

By |2016-12-26T14:03:04+13:00July 22nd, 2013|Adventure|

One of the peculiar novelties about Costa Rica is the cultural belief that sugar has lots of health benefits. This could be due to copious planting and harvesting of sugar cane within the country, or it could be because there are not very many country-wide communications except for advertising. Unlike the United States, you can [...]

Top 13 Blog Posts about #WDS2013 in 13 Tweets

By |2016-12-10T16:12:02+13:00July 16th, 2013|Blog, Entrepreneur, Portland, Pura Vida MultiMedia|

I've been reading a lot about the World Domination Summit in the past couple weeks. #WDS2013 was, by all accounts, a massive success. There are some incredible posts out there, describing real personal breakthroughs that happened during this 3-day event. Some are delivered with the clarity and creativity of true blogging artists. After reading (and [...]

End of the World Domination Summit – Day 3 #WDS2013

By |2019-02-22T15:28:09+13:00July 7th, 2013|Adventure|

An Exceptional Experience. (You can read about Day One and Day Two of my time at the World Domination Summit if you need to catch up.) The volunteers, in particular, really rocked it. In addition to high-fiving everyone as they entered the Schnitzer concert hall, and maintaining the atmosphere of fun and frolic, they were masterful [...]

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