6 Life Lessons Taught Through Improv
Recently I taught an improv workshop at the local repertory theatre. We played many fun games, rapid games which sharpened our wits and made us laugh. What made this workshop work so well was the [...]
New Years Resolutions 2024
For 2024, my word is Enrich.This year I am focused on growth, both internal and financial.After six years of learning about cryptocurrency, trading, and technical analysis, I feel like I have learned enough to build [...]
The Accountability Formula – Wins, Challenges, and Commitments
90% of the world’s drops are done by jugglers. Whatever you juggle - balls, fruit, chainsaws, or family schedules - you are statistically more likely to drop what you juggle than the people who never [...]
Annual Review 2022
This annual review is one month overdue. Ever since 2014, I have published an Annual Review on my blog on New Year's Eve, and my New Year's Resolutions on the first of January. Keeping [...]
New Years Resolutions 2020
For 2020, my word is Relax. My work ethic has really messed me up. I've been using the stress response to catapult me into high levels of productivity, and the fight-or-flight mode formally known as [...]
New Years Resolutions 2019
"There is nothing magical about the flip of a calendar," says Jason Soroski, "but it represents a clean break, a new hope, and a blank canvas." Making New Year's Resolutions presents us with an [...]
Shining attracts haters. ✨😡✨
Do you have haters? People who despise what you do, what you say, or who you are? This could be a good sign that you are saying something meaningful. People who dare to take a [...]
6 Life Lessons Taught Through Improv
Recently I taught an improv workshop at the local repertory theatre. We played many fun games, rapid games which sharpened our wits and made us laugh. What made this workshop work so well was the [...]
Impostor syndrome steals your glory from yourself.
Impostor syndrome is a natural consequence of growth. Growth creates a gap, between who you are now, and who you used to be. We often interpret this gap, internally, as impostor syndrome. Image from iStock [...]
Annual Review 2023
2023 Annual Review Table of Contents Every Annual Review that I publish on this blog contains 4 parts: What were my victories? What could have gone better? How many New Year’s Resolutions did I [...]
Polymath problems
I’m a polymath, so you may have been surprised by the variety of topics you see me write about. Depending on what phase of my interests I was in when you started following me, you may [...]
New Years Resolutions 2023
For 2023, my word is Allow. In Power vs Force by Dr David Hawkins, he makes the distinction between the Force of getting things done, and the Power of letting things come to you. [...]
5 Business Models Behind Books [Zoom Workshop]
How do authors build a thriving business around their published work? Spoiler alert: it's not by selling more books. In my work over the past decade with authors, coaches, and speakers, I have been behind-the-scenes [...]
The Show Must Go On! Even when your tech fails….
Picture this: Your 3-hour Zoom workshop just started, and your computer freezes! 😬 What do you do? The show must go on! In last week's Magnetic Messages Masterclass, my computer froze precisely at 10:01 am. [...]
Marketing Yourself – now an Audiobook!
It took me an extra two years to get around to it, but I finally recorded Marketing Yourself as an audiobook. If you're the type of person who prefers to listen to your book, then [...]
What most marketing gets wrong
When it's time to market yourself, promote your products, and sell your services, most marketing tells a story about the business. This is a common mistake. "When you're going to the market with what [...]
Your marketing can suck less.
Does your marketing suck too much? Your marketing can suck less - less of your time, your money, and your emotions. (Hat tip to Dr. Michelle Mazur who has a fabulous newsletter called Make Marketing [...]
The biggest mistake of my career.
What’s the difference between a Sales Funnel and a Marketing Funnel? People can get easily confused about these two terms, and that confusion is at least partly my fault. See, I’ve been writing about [...]
11th move in 11 Years
The Huntress Clan completed our 11th move in 11 years on Samhain, which is April 30 in the Southern Hemisphere. We have bounced from country to country for a decade, going from town to [...]
A month of catching up
The month started with a cancelled flight. I was in Denver, across the world from my family, at the NSA #Influence19 conference. The trip went great, I made a lot of top-notch connections, and stayed [...]
From Winter to Summer and Back Again
Directly after I wrote about the Darkest Days of the Year, my experience of this year's winter in the Southern Hemisphere, I spent two weeks working from bed with a winter flu. Then, as soon [...]
Movements in May
Indi turned 13, and it was wonderful. Thirteen years ago, my daughter was born. At the precise moment of the anniversary of her birth, it also happened to be the precise moment of the New [...]
One year in New Zealand
I've been extraordinarily busy over the past year. Today is the one-year anniversary of putting in our 30-day notice on the house we were renting in Portland. Within the past year, the Huntress Clan has: [...]
My First Trip to New Zealand
It all started with LookSee Wellington. This program offered all-expense-paid trips for 100 people working in the Tech industry to come and visit Wellington, the capital of New Zealand. 48,000 people applied. Only 0.2% of [...]