new zealand

11th move in 11 Years

By |2021-08-02T09:31:13+12:00August 1st, 2021|Adventure, Blog, Family|

The Huntress Clan completed our 11th move in 11 years on Samhain, which is April 30 in the Southern Hemisphere. We have bounced from country to country for a decade, going from town to town, looking for a place we might call home. With this latest transition, we may have found it. Many of [...]

Darkest Days of the Year

By |2019-07-08T16:13:35+12:00July 7th, 2019|Family, Roundups|

June was an exciting month. We experimented with celebrating American Father's Day in New Zealand. The timing worked great, with Johanna's dad visiting us this month. Her mom visited last month for Mother's Day, and we got her dad here for Father's Day, too. In New Zealand, Father's Day is in September. We played with [...]

Movements in May

By |2019-07-01T18:33:24+12:00June 1st, 2019|Adventure, Roundups|

Indi turned 13, and it was wonderful. Thirteen years ago, my daughter was born. At the precise moment of the anniversary of her birth, it also happened to be the precise moment of the New Moon. This magical woman stood at the center of a sacred circle, as she left childhood behind. Maiden, Mother, and [...]

6 Highlights from April

By |2019-05-15T10:40:14+12:00April 30th, 2019|Family, Roundups|

1. Easter egg hunts Since we are in the Southern Hemisphere, the Spring celebration of Ostara falls in the Fall. It's odd, having the traditional spring easter-egg-hunt while the weather is turning colder, but it was till fun. We plan on celebrating half-holidays, so we will celebrate Easter 2 2019 in the springtime. Stay [...]

10 Books That Changed My Life

By |2021-06-03T16:38:19+12:00November 9th, 2018|The Good Stuff|

I’m going to tell you about 10 books that changed my life, which is tricky for me, right now. Most of the books that changed my life are not currently in my possession. My library is in storage in the United States, the last 1000 books I could not bear to part with when we [...]

One year in New Zealand

By |2018-12-14T20:59:40+13:00June 1st, 2018|Adventure, The Good Stuff|

I've been extraordinarily busy over the past year. Today is the one-year anniversary of putting in our 30-day notice on the house we were renting in Portland. Within the past year, the Huntress Clan has: Packed all of our worldly possessions into a storage unit Moved temporarily into my father-in-law's house Planted the Fairy Godmother, [...]

Annual Review 2017

By |2018-10-12T09:40:22+13:00December 31st, 2017|Introspection|

2017 has not turned out at all like I planned; but thankfully, I didn't hold onto my plans very tightly. Instead of deciding on my outcomes, I held on to my vision. Even when my plans changed. Especially when my plans changed. Every pivot has brought me to a shorter, unexpected path leading to my two [...]

My First Trip to New Zealand

By |2017-09-24T16:41:23+13:00June 12th, 2017|Adventure, New Zealand, The Good Stuff|

It all started with LookSee Wellington. This program offered all-expense-paid trips for 100 people working in the Tech industry to come and visit Wellington, the capital of New Zealand. 48,000 people applied. Only 0.2% of those who applied were invited, and I was not one of them. Still, applying for a trip to New Zealand [...]

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