
About Caelan Huntress

Caelan Huntress is an American digital nomad living in New Zealand, and has spent ten years running an online business while traveling the world with his young family. Caelan is a website designer, copywriter, and sales strategist who specializes in helping entrepreneurs make more money in less time through setting up smart marketing systems. Subscribe to Caelan's newsletter here.

Working From Home: Be Thy Own Boss

By |2020-03-25T10:17:43+13:00March 24th, 2020|Entrepreneur, Productivity|

SQUIRREL! Did something just take your attention? Run after it, nobody can stop you! The greatest thing about working from home is your flexibility. But this is also a danger. You have the ability to pivot your attention at a moment's notice - and you don't have to check with a board, or a [...]

The Hungry Magic of 3-Star Amazon Reviews

By |2020-02-18T12:08:44+13:00February 18th, 2020|Entrepreneur, Marketing|

Have you ever had to feed a hungry toddler? They don’t care about what you, as a grown-up, think about cooking oils. They don’t care about the nutritional content of the food. They only care that they are hungry (and what they eat should taste good). If you ask a hungry toddler which kind of [...]

Research Your Competition for Fun & Profit

By |2020-02-21T16:51:09+13:00February 12th, 2020|Entrepreneur, Marketing|

Have you ever been lost in the woods?The only way out is through, it's true, but not all directions are the same.Tramping one way might lead you closer to where you want to go; choosing the wrong direction could keep you lost, indefinitely.What is the surest method to find your way out?Find a trail.If you [...]

The Power of Free Samples

By |2020-12-07T11:38:04+13:00January 24th, 2020|Marketing|

Have you ever been in a grocery store, and been offered a free sample? Maybe it was a bite of a bagel, or guacamole, or a little sausage on a toothpick. Something small. Something interesting. Something free. After taking a bite, were you asked to become a shareholder in that company? Were you asked [...]

The Challenges of Solopreneurship

By |2020-01-16T14:07:27+13:00January 21st, 2020|Business, Entrepreneur|

Do you work for yourself? Are you your own boss? Do you make all the decisions in your business? Then you are probably a Solopreneur. The easy definition of a 'Solopreneur' is: a person who sets up and runs a business on their own. After 10 years of working with Solopreneurs, I've found they generally [...]

The 4 Types of Solopreneurs

By |2020-01-16T14:02:00+13:00January 13th, 2020|Business, Entrepreneur|

What is a Solopreneur? Solopreneurs are the kinds of people who value flexibility and autonomy. People who prefer to guide their careers by the kind of work they want to be doing, instead of the work that a manager tells them to do. A Solopreneur might employ freelancers or contractors, or even have a [...]

Deep into the Moon

By |2020-01-07T20:01:48+13:00January 7th, 2020|Tarot|

This year, for my birthday, I have drawn the XVIII of Trumps, The Moon. See past years' birthday tarot cards here. The Moon is a card of the unknown, a mixture of the highest and the lowest. Just as the Moon reflects the light of the Sun, our unconscious mind reflects the thoughts of [...]

New Years Resolutions 2020

By |2020-01-03T17:40:14+13:00January 1st, 2020|Excellence|

For 2020, my word is Relax. My work ethic has really messed me up. I've been using the stress response to catapult me into high levels of productivity, and the fight-or-flight mode formally known as the sympathetic nervous system has been my fuel for working hours. By relying on the sympathetic nervous system, and artificially [...]

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