Personal Blog

How to Find Copyright-Free Images For Your Blog Posts

By |2020-02-03T11:33:54+13:00March 19th, 2014|Blog, Content Marketing, Graphic Design, Marketing, Pura Vida MultiMedia|

Featured images for blog posts look great. Blog posts with featured images enhance visual appeal, increase clickthroughs, and augment the user experience on your blog. (With clever use of titles and ALT tags on each image, you can even boost your SEO.) It is really easy to find images online, and downloading them is a [...]

An Open Letter to Alec Baldwin: Farewell.

By |2014-03-03T12:20:45+13:00March 3rd, 2014|Excellence|

Dear Mr. Baldwin: We are strangers, and in a more just world, we would remain so. Your recent farewell to public life has, I hope, cauterized the exposure of your personal life to the public eye, and I thank you for making this change. Since this is farewell, allow me the monumental hubris to speak [...]

An Eternal Moment Onstage

By |2017-09-17T18:33:33+12:00February 7th, 2014|Adventure|

For that one moment, I stretched far into the future. We stood in a circle, about fifteen people at the east corner of the room, holding opposition against a group twice the size of ours, standing far on the other side. We had been asked by the leaders of the Oregon chapter of the National [...]

Sharpen your Prospecting Power with Ideal Client Profiles

By |2016-12-20T07:37:09+13:00February 5th, 2014|Blog, Business, Entrepreneur, Pura Vida MultiMedia, Slider|

Does your business run better with a shotgun? Or a laser? Lemme 'splain. When you want to hit something with a shotgun, you point it in a vague direction, and hope to hit something when you pull the trigger. With a laser, you have to be precise. Aiming at one specific point. Most small business owners [...]

Two Years for Taos

By |2014-01-17T11:38:42+13:00January 17th, 2014|Family|

I have three big kids. Taos was not a baby for very long. He has two older siblings to chase after, to learn from, and to mimic. I was really surprised that he potty trained at 18 months old, but happily relieved! This actually makes it very hard to dress him, because nobody makes big [...]

Five Tips for Pitching your Freelance Writing

By |2016-12-20T07:37:10+13:00January 13th, 2014|Blog, Content Marketing, Entrepreneur, Guest Posts, Pura Vida MultiMedia|

Guest Post by Amber Adrian Sending your work out into the world can be intimidating. But whether you’re looking to make money with freelance writing or submitting guest posts to build your audience, it doesn’t have to be a daunting hurdle. Here are five ways to help you clear the fence. 1. Research [...]

The Year of the Star

By |2020-02-03T11:34:47+13:00January 7th, 2014|Tarot|

Every year, I draw a Tarot card on my birthday. Starting with a full deck, every birthday I draw a Trump card, to symbolize the year ahead. 2010 – the year of the Fool 2011 – the year of Art 2012 – the year of Fortune 2013 – the year of the Aeon And now, [...]

New Years Resolutions 2014

By |2014-01-01T20:21:21+13:00January 1st, 2014|Excellence|

I love the New Year. It is a time when we assess ourselves, and frankly decide on how to become the person we decide to be. When I make my annual resolutions, I am constructing the person I want to be next year. Deciding on his habits. Creating his goals. Envisioning his achievements. Every year, I [...]

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