
“Daddy, what’s a gun?”

By |2016-12-26T14:53:47+13:00September 13th, 2012|Excellence, Family|

My 6-year-old girl really didn't know. While discussing the differences between policemen and firefighters, I used a word Indilea had never heard before. She has acquired the excellent habit of asking for the meaning of any word she doesn't understand. "What's a gun?" she asked. "You know," I said as I mimed a gun. "Kapow." [...]

Plyometrics by the pool.

By |2012-06-23T13:02:23+12:00June 23rd, 2012|Excellence|

Its been a week since I restarted P90X. My body is already changing shape dramatically. It is comforting, to be re-becoming the athlete I used to be. Like putting on an old favorite pair of trousers, this fits me well and reminds me of what living my life used to be like, exercising diligently every [...]

My Roundtable of Heroes

By |2011-10-26T07:11:12+13:00October 26th, 2011|Excellence|

I’ve been doing a lot of existential-type exercises lately, because I run my own business, and as my own boss, I need to a) keep myself on track, and b) substitute imaginary friends for a board meeting. Napoleon Hill describes the process of creating an ‘Imaginary Cabinet’ in Think and Grow Rich. You relax your [...]

A Moment to Mourn for a Stranger

By |2011-10-17T07:03:34+13:00October 17th, 2011|Excellence|

I never knew Steve Jobs. But my life has been forever changed by his works. After unsuccessful career moves and a frustrating decade of PC proficiency, I bought my first Macbook Pro. I delved into the design, the usability, the ease of computing. I started a hobby, and then a career, as a web designer [...]

Easter Present for my Fairy Daughter

By |2016-12-26T14:54:09+13:00April 24th, 2011|Excellence, Family|

My daughter has a dream-friend called Moonhorse. She visits Moonhorse in her dreams, and he flies with her up to the moon, where they have friends (like Yojo the Unicorn) and they play games and have adventures. A few weeks ago, Indilea made a painting for Moonhorse, and wanted me to leave it out on [...]

Amazing pants.

By |2011-03-21T10:30:38+13:00March 21st, 2011|Excellence|

Last week, I was introduced to Thunderbolt Sportswear. I’ve been hooked. These pants retail for $188. They are black, they come in a jeans cut, and the fabric is unlike anything I’ve ever seen. It is durable beyond belief, but most importantly, stretchable in every direction. I put these pants through their paces last week. [...]

The Magic of Caffeine

By |2010-11-23T23:30:26+13:00November 23rd, 2010|Excellence|

Really, why do I bother trying to work without coffee? It's only after I've been sluggishly pulling myself through make-believe-working, when I look up from my web surfing and look at the clock, that I realize I've wasted precious hours by not being focused and productive. I put on a pot of dark, thick coffee, [...]

Expendable Salespeople mean a Sluggish Economy

By |2010-10-19T16:53:54+13:00October 19th, 2010|Business, Excellence|

Jobs are so scarce right now, and employers are so hesitant to outlay capital, that the standard default worth of any given salesperson is straight commission. Go out and sell my stuff for me, and I’ll give you a piece. It sounds nice in theory; performance based pay means you’re not carrying any dead weight [...]

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