
About Caelan Huntress

Caelan Huntress is an American digital nomad living in New Zealand, and has spent ten years running an online business while traveling the world with his young family. Caelan is a website designer, copywriter, and sales strategist who specializes in helping entrepreneurs make more money in less time through setting up smart marketing systems. Subscribe to Caelan's newsletter here.

Announcing: the Marketing Yourself Intensive

By |2023-01-29T11:06:48+13:00September 21st, 2022|Entrepreneur, Events, Marketing|

  In November I am leading a Marketing Yourself Intensive, a 6-week group program for experts and entrepreneurs who want to elevate the cornerstones of their personal platforms. This is not a self-paced online course. It's a group intensive, starting the last week of October, and ending the first week of December. Would you be [...]

Competition research gives you shortcuts to success.

By |2023-01-29T11:08:15+13:00September 6th, 2022|Articles, Business, Content Marketing, Marketing|

  Your competition can be your greatest strategic support. The insights, mistakes, and victories of your competitors will bear fruit that you can harvest, if you look around and pick it up. Others who serve your market are continually learning about them. What they like, what they don't like, what they need right now - [...]

The Cornerstone Workbooks were made to help with Marketing Yourself

By |2023-01-29T11:08:29+13:00September 1st, 2022|Articles, Business, Entrepreneur, Marketing|

  If you've been kicking the cornerstones of your personal platform, you probably know which one needs the most attention. We all have one area of our business that continually demands our attention. It's not as strong or as supportive as it should be, and it's the area of your business that's holding you back. [...]

The 6 Currencies of Exchange

By |2023-01-29T11:08:56+13:00August 17th, 2022|Articles, Business, Marketing, Productivity, Sales|

  We trade value between 6 currencies of exchange: 😃 Happiness 😃 📣 Attention 📣 ⏰ Time ⏰ 💰 Money 💰 🏅 Reputation🏅 💡 Innovation💡 A far deal trades one of these 6 currencies for another, at a rate of exchange that benefits everyone. Living in New Zealand, I often have to exchange monetary currencies. [...]

Asynchronous Selling – What Sales Pages Can Learn From Direct Mail

By |2023-01-29T11:09:47+13:00July 7th, 2022|Articles, Blog, Content Marketing, Entrepreneur, Marketing, Sales|

  Selling asynchronously is something you can do on a sales page. When you pitch someone across the counter in a showroom, you are selling synchronously. You can respond to objections as they come up, and modify your communication to suit the moment. Selling on the Internet is mostly asynchronous. You craft your messaging, field [...]

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