
About Caelan Huntress

Caelan Huntress is an American digital nomad living in New Zealand, and has spent ten years running an online business while traveling the world with his young family. Caelan is a website designer, copywriter, and sales strategist who specializes in helping entrepreneurs make more money in less time through setting up smart marketing systems. Subscribe to Caelan's newsletter here.

A new Age.

By |2017-01-07T10:18:49+13:00January 7th, 2013|Introspection|

This year, I drew the Aeon for my birthday. This card is really well timed in my life. This is a Saturn Return, ending (and beginning) another 7-year-cycle in my life. Carl Jung study groups traditionally do not admit students younger than 35, for it is believed that the human mind does not fully mature [...]

7 Tips To Become A More Interesting Person

By |2016-12-20T07:37:24+13:00January 2nd, 2013|Blog, Business, Content Marketing, Entrepreneur, Pura Vida MultiMedia|

There are nearly seven billion people in the world today. Why would anyone stop what they’re doing and talk to you? It's an important question for anyone, but if you’re involved in sales, self-marketing, or running your own business, you have to be interesting to new people all the time. New customers, new prospective customers, [...]

New Years Resolutions 2013

By |2013-01-01T19:18:31+13:00January 1st, 2013|Introspection|

It's going to be a good one, this year. I can feel it. My new vision board for this year is also my new desktop background on my laptop. I'm expecting good things. I really, really enjoyed 2012. As years go, it will be a hard one to top. This year I find myself calmer, [...]

Top 5 Blog Posts For Getting Started in Content Marketing

By |2016-12-20T07:37:25+13:00December 28th, 2012|Content Marketing, How To, Pura Vida MultiMedia, Reviews|

As a content marketer, I read a lot of blogs. Many of the blogs I read are about content marketing in general, and about getting more customers through content marketing in particular. This week, I read these 5 blog posts and realized they contain everything a beginning content marketer needs to get up and running [...]

The 2012 Apocalypse Is The Internet

By |2012-12-21T14:47:11+13:00December 21st, 2012|Introspection|

The Mayan Apocalypse is already here. We are experiencing the cosmic shift of the ancient Mayan prophecy, but this cosmic realignment will not happen in a flash on the winter solstice 2012. Gradual realignments of great forces, eternal powers readjusting to one another, this takes a bit of time. Are we in the midst of [...]

I’ve Lost the Traceur’s Gaze

By |2012-12-07T12:25:18+13:00December 7th, 2012|Introspection|

I don't do Parkour anymore. Parkour is, admittedly, a young man's sport. Most traceurs are teens with lithe, athletic bodies that haven't been injured yet. I got into the sport late in life, in my 30s. Luckily, I had a background in yoga, physical theater, and acrobatics. After my first round of P90X, I was [...]

Laptop Living and Working All The Time

By |2016-12-10T16:12:05+13:00December 4th, 2012|Blog, Business, Entrepreneur, Productivity, Pura Vida MultiMedia, Slider|

With my backpack and cell reception, I can functionally work from anywhere I please. The beach, the mountains, a Central American cafe, or out in the wilderness...wherever I have my backpack, cell reception, and time, I can work. I can write, or post, or call, or Skype, with anyone, anywhere in the world, from anywhere [...]

A NaNoWriMo technique for Manifestation

By |2012-11-20T09:57:12+13:00November 20th, 2012|Excellence|

I love National Novel Writing Month. Every November, I pit myself against my word count, and I inevitably improve as a writer and a storyteller. The first few years, I crafted novels. First draft, story arc, plotline, character development, novels. Long-form works of this scope are exhausting, creatively. I love writing them, and I love [...]

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