
About Caelan Huntress

Caelan Huntress is an American digital nomad living in New Zealand, and has spent ten years running an online business while traveling the world with his young family. Caelan is a website designer, copywriter, and sales strategist who specializes in helping entrepreneurs make more money in less time through setting up smart marketing systems. Subscribe to Caelan's newsletter here.

Why Breaking New Years Resolutions Is Good For You

By |2018-01-01T17:46:49+13:00January 4th, 2015|Excellence|

I think New Year's Resolutions are okay to break. The purpose of a resolution isn't to stick to a plan, but to calibrate which habits are the right ones for you, right now. Disclaimer: I break most of my resolutions within a week. My birthday is January 7, and I believe that holidays and birthdays [...]

New Years Resolutions 2015

By |2015-01-01T14:00:48+13:00January 1st, 2015|Excellence|

New years resolutions really resonate with me. Sometimes, I can make them stick, and keep better habits; other times, I break my New Year’s Resolutions, and learn plenty from them. Resolutions seem to have fallen out of style, despite evidence suggesting that new habits stick better when you start them on important days, and besides, I [...]

2014 annual review

By |2014-12-31T12:10:54+13:00December 31st, 2014|Introspection|

2014 was a good year. The year before was a year of great upheaval for the Huntress Clan; we moved 4 times, left Costa Rica, and returned to the United States. 2014 was a year of landing, of digging roots, and gaining momentum. The two regular habits I use to look at the year past and the year ahead, declaring [...]

The Breath of the Neutral Mask

By |2017-07-07T13:19:23+12:00November 9th, 2014|Adventure, The Good Stuff|

Who are we before we become the character? That is the question that the Neutral Mask seeks to answer. "There are three masks: the one we think we are, the one we really are, and the one we have in common." - Jacques Lecoq It has been years since I have studied the deep and [...]

Eating GMO-free keeps me healthy and fit

By |2014-10-26T13:29:48+13:00October 26th, 2014|Excellence|

My body is in great shape, and I am healthy and strong, all because I made the commitment to eat GMO-free in 2002. Without laws requiring genetically modified food to be labeled in the United States, if I want to exclude GMOs from my diet, I have to be extremely selective about the food that I [...]

The Unconventional Treasure Hunt 2014

By |2016-12-10T16:11:59+13:00September 18th, 2014|Pura Vida MultiMedia, Uncategorized|

For the World Domination Summit, I made an Unconventional Treasure Hunt at WDS 2014. It was a scavenger hunt of riddles throughout downtown Portland, each riddle leading to clues hidden in small treasure chests throughout the city. My passion for treasure hunts is pretty big. When I told the WDS Adventure Czar about my idea, he thought it was bizarre and [...]

‘The Happiness of Pursuit’ Book Review

By |2016-12-10T16:11:59+13:00September 16th, 2014|Blog, Pura Vida MultiMedia, Reviews|

Chris Guillebeau is a champion of adventure, and his latest book is an analysis of the mechanics of modern quests. He profiles dozens of adventurous people in his latest book The Happiness of Pursuit, to contrast the different quests they have pursued. Through his chapter-by-chapter formula, he distills the essence of adventure down into something [...]

Talking Taboo

By |2014-05-21T15:21:15+12:00May 21st, 2014|Introspection|

When you introduce money, politics, or religion as a topic of conversation, you venture into the intimate. Revealing the deeper, authentic parts of yourself - how you really feel about God, or the way the world should be run, or your score in the financial game of life - talking taboo is voyeurism of the [...]

A Detour Down Poverty Lane

By |2014-04-24T16:25:56+12:00April 24th, 2014|Introspection|

There are many kinds of wealth in the world, and I have lots of them. For a long time, though, I have only had a fortune without coin. This makes the burden of poverty easier to bear; my children are healthy and happy, we live an adventurous life, I am strong, and creative, and I spend my days [...]

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