
About Caelan Huntress

Caelan Huntress is an American digital nomad living in New Zealand, and has spent ten years running an online business while traveling the world with his young family. Caelan is a website designer, copywriter, and sales strategist who specializes in helping entrepreneurs make more money in less time through setting up smart marketing systems. Subscribe to Caelan's newsletter here.

The Forge of Failure

By |2016-12-26T14:31:37+13:00March 29th, 2015|Excellence|

One of the best things you can do to improve yourself is to fail at something new. The first time you rode a bike, you failed. Repeatedly. And if you were willing to get up and try again, and again, you learned a new skill. Failure was the price you paid to learn. Becoming Friends with Failure [...]

Projects of Passion

By |2016-12-26T14:50:14+13:00March 10th, 2015|Family, Introspection|

Have you ever had that one project you could never put down? A passion that haunts you, and won’t let you go, no matter how many failures you encounter along the way? That’s how treasure hunts have been for me. When I’m making a treasure hunt, walking through a city looking for hidden locations in plain [...]

Break your habits to make better ones.

By |2016-12-26T14:30:00+13:00February 4th, 2015|Excellence|

My best habits emerge in late January every year. After a few weeks to try out my New Years resolutions, it becomes apparent what works, and what doesn't. Related: Why breaking New Years Resolutions is good for you As of today, I have kept 5 out of my 12 resolutions for 2015. I suppose I could [...]

What to do when your name’s domain name is taken

By |2020-02-03T11:32:39+13:00January 26th, 2015|Blog, Business, Hacks, How To, Marketing, Pura Vida MultiMedia, Web Design| is owned by somebody else. Does that mean you are exiled from the internet? Of course not! This is an opportunity to get clever about how to shoehorn your name into a website URL. Here are three options: Option one - Check the other TLDs. Around the world, .com is seen as the most 'reputable' [...]

The Hero in Prison

By |2016-12-26T14:39:57+13:00January 19th, 2015|Introspection|

Reading the Letter From Birmingham Jail was the beginning of my philosophical studies. Written by Martin Luther King, Jr. in 1963, this letter was the first rational and ethical defense I had read of the imprisoned man. I was eighteen years old, in plenty of trouble with the law, and in between punishments for crimes that I did [...]

3 GTD Tips: How to Make Things Happen

By |2016-12-26T14:32:12+13:00January 17th, 2015|Excellence|

In the middle of a geek-out session with a good friend, comparing productivity apps, he asked the big question: How do you manage all these lists without getting overwhelmed? I reviewed the basic principles of Getting Things Done, the task management philosophy developed by David Allen. Even after reading the book, implementing these productivity protocols can break [...]

Frictionless Blogging

By |2020-02-03T11:32:50+13:00January 16th, 2015|Content Marketing, Excellence|

I'm writing this post on my phone, and I'm hitting 'Publish' before it's ready. This is one of the few blogging ideas that can make Corbett Barr stop and say, "Hey, I've never heard that before." He was interviewing Leo Babauta of Zen Habits, as part of a Fizzle course called Start A Blog That Matters. [...]

How-To Video Screencast Tutorials

By |2020-02-03T11:33:03+13:00January 11th, 2015|Marketing, Pura Vida MultiMedia|

People who know how to make a screencast tutorial have an undeniable advantage in communicating complex ideas on the Internet. Video screencasts are easy to make, and with a few video skills, they can look really good. But what really makes a great tutorial is: Storytelling. The web is a visual menagerie, and as you [...]

The Year of the Hermit

By |2017-12-30T19:15:59+13:00January 7th, 2015|Tarot|

This year, the Tarot card I have drawn on my birthday is a mighty fitting one for where I am in my life. The Hermit has two interpretations: the recluse who lives alone, or, the returning hero, who learned fantastic new things during a solitary journey into the wide world beyond. This card is drawn when [...]

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