
About Caelan Huntress

Caelan Huntress is an American digital nomad living in New Zealand, and has spent ten years running an online business while traveling the world with his young family. Caelan is a website designer, copywriter, and sales strategist who specializes in helping entrepreneurs make more money in less time through setting up smart marketing systems. Subscribe to his newsletter here.

New camera, new office

By |2009-08-20T13:30:57+12:00August 20th, 2009|Introspection|

I've got a camera, and it will revolutionize my blogging. Its a flip hD, and I am playing with it this week to generate content.  I have to fix my USB jacks so they will work with it, and I can start uploading. I will revolutionize my office, making a media center to house all [...]

Hung diploma

By |2009-08-12T23:06:18+12:00August 12th, 2009|Excellence|

Now that it’s been three years since graduating, or at least fulfilling all the requirements for my eight year bachelor degree, I have a diploma hanging on my wall. […]

Day trippers

By |2009-08-10T13:19:01+12:00August 10th, 2009|Family|

We went to Bend for the day.  We had a great time.  It was fantastic.  We spent a lot of time driving, and alternated the driving time with exploration time in the world around us, and the kids loved it, Johanna loved it, and so did I. Had we had a camera, I would probably [...]

Looking Around

By |2009-07-27T01:02:43+12:00July 27th, 2009|Introspection|

I am throwing my hat out of the ring. I am now getting serious about considering other options for daytime employment. I mean, seriously, I am a badass manifestor, I make things happen, is it really all that difficult for me to consider a sizable life shift in my employment? […]

Organic Brewfest

By |2009-06-29T13:37:56+12:00June 29th, 2009|Excellence|

This has been, once again, my most successful event of the year. I got a booth, paid for by my big Fortune 100 company, and hired some people to do chair massage for ten bucks an hour.  As people passed they would hear me call, "Free chair massage!"  They came over out of curiosity, and [...]

Writers dojo sales

By |2009-06-25T13:40:56+12:00June 25th, 2009|Excellence|

I am getting ready for a big push on the writers dojo sales.  July 1 will be my pitch day.  I will give my pitch to twenty five different people, all in one day. I have had enough practice.  I'm ready to make some serious money. Jeff, over at the Writers Dojo, is putting together [...]

Odd solstice

By |2009-06-22T15:16:57+12:00June 22nd, 2009|Introspection|

On summer solstice it rained.  I wore a jacket.  The longest day of the year, and the weather was such that it made it difficult to free run through my city. My city.  Portland.  A place where parkour is suddenly a seasonal sport. I cannot traverse the cityscape when its railings are wet.  My shoes [...]

Warming up

By |2009-06-19T13:48:10+12:00June 19th, 2009|Introspection|

I have to get my ebook off the ground.  I have done some great manifestation, work, now it is time to put it together. I need a schedule.  I need a launch date.  I need a launch plan.  I need a sales page for my website.  I need the blog attached and running.  And I [...]

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