
Slow Start.

By |2011-10-30T12:24:30+13:00October 30th, 2011|Introspection|

Sometimes, it's best to stop working. Sunday is the second day of my workweek. One of the advantages of being your own boss is deciding when you get time off; and this morning, as my own boss, I played hookie for two hours. Friends came over with their kids, to play in the pool. Did [...]

A Moment to Mourn for a Stranger

By |2011-10-17T07:03:34+13:00October 17th, 2011|Excellence|

I never knew Steve Jobs. But my life has been forever changed by his works. After unsuccessful career moves and a frustrating decade of PC proficiency, I bought my first Macbook Pro. I delved into the design, the usability, the ease of computing. I started a hobby, and then a career, as a web designer [...]

New Resume

By |2011-07-12T19:50:39+12:00July 12th, 2011|Business|

As I'm sure you know, the economy stinks. Looking for a job in Portland (a digitally-savvy city) for a job in digital media (where there are lots of unemployed digital media enthusiasts) is like walking into a refugee camp and asking for a Denver omelette with a side of bacon. Other people are eating, sure, [...]

Editing Across Mediums

By |2011-04-29T20:45:40+12:00April 29th, 2011|Business|

Today, I had the good fortune of working on two separate editing projects Writing -Editing: a nonfiction book proposal Video - Editing: a 30 minute multicamera interview and I learned a valuable insight. Editing is the process of removing the fluff that helps us tell our stories. This fluff, consisting of ums, false [...]

2000 business cards. Phew.

By |2011-01-25T21:05:15+13:00January 25th, 2011|Business|

I went through my old stash of business cards tonight, and it was very illuminative. While no announcement has been made yet, I'm preparing to launch a new marketing company (web design, content, and video).  I went through all of my old business cards and culled out all the ones who would not take my [...]

The Magic of Caffeine

By |2010-11-23T23:30:26+13:00November 23rd, 2010|Excellence|

Really, why do I bother trying to work without coffee? It's only after I've been sluggishly pulling myself through make-believe-working, when I look up from my web surfing and look at the clock, that I realize I've wasted precious hours by not being focused and productive. I put on a pot of dark, thick coffee, [...]

Andrew Carnegie’s MasterMind Opening

By |2018-09-12T16:06:13+12:00August 23rd, 2010|Excellence|

I RELEASE… I release myself to the mastermind because I am strong when I have others to help me. I BELIEVE… I believe the combined intelligence of the mastermind creates a wisdom far beyond my own. I UNDERSTAND… I understand that I will more easily create positive results in my life when I am open [...]

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