
Macbook Warrior

By |2012-06-22T11:36:11+12:00June 22nd, 2012|Introspection|

I am a modern techno-mage. This time in history, my power is unparalleled. I imagine one of my ancestors, traveling forward in time to spend a day with me. My explanations of how I spend my time would reveal the modern world to be magical. I wake to a song on my iPhone. This small [...]

Physical Commitments

By |2012-06-18T14:22:22+12:00June 18th, 2012|Introspection|

Whenever you start a period of discipline, it helps to declare your intentions to the world, I've found. I'm going on a six week binge of health and cleansing. From now until August 1, I'm going to get up every morning at 5 am. After a quick shower, I'm going to go through a P90X [...]

Pratyahara for an Active Mind

By |2012-06-12T08:44:39+12:00June 12th, 2012|Introspection|

After a decade of practicing the physical aspects of yoga, I got bored. Little did I know, the Asana is only one of the eight limbs of Ashtanga Yoga. Building my body into peak physical condition relied on an intense Yoga practice, a love of Parkour, and an 18-month love affair with P90X. After having [...]

Under Capitalization

By |2012-06-04T10:13:48+12:00June 4th, 2012|Introspection|

I've been over-capitalized. For the past couple of years, I've been in the habit of capitalizing my name wherever it appears online. My Twitter handle is @CAELANHUNTRESS, my signature is always in capitals, and the 'from' field of all emails that people receive says 'CAELAN HUNTRESS' in big, loud letters. My purposes for doing this [...]

No te preocupes.

By |2012-04-09T11:34:44+12:00April 9th, 2012|Introspection|

Don't you worry your pretty little self. This is not an exact translation, but I like to think it provides the character and inclusiveness of this phrase. See, here in Costa Rica, nobody uses the informal case. When people say "You," they say "Usted," which is like saying "The Gentleman." "Tu," the 2nd-person informal use [...]

Have I died, and gone to Heaven?

By |2012-03-20T09:38:10+13:00March 20th, 2012|Introspection|

I often suspect this is the case. Two runners were jogging in the surf this morning, going opposite directions. I was walking through the sand, on my way to the beachside restaurant where I chose to work today. The joggers met each other and embraced joyously, and from fifty yards away, I could see within [...]

Masculinity without Macho

By |2012-02-07T17:45:24+13:00February 7th, 2012|Introspection|

It’s interesting living in a macho culture. After living in Portland, where skinny man-boys wear dresses and makeup, living in a Latin culture with traditional machismo stereotypes has allowed me to revisit what masculinity means.   The perils of Macho. I was surprised to hear something said offhand by a parent here in [...]

The Birth of our Son.

By |2016-12-26T14:54:53+13:00January 10th, 2012|Family, Introspection|

Taos Gibson MacTavish Huntress. Born on January 8, 2012 at 11:11 am. 7 lbs, 7 ounces, 20 inches long. Taos @ 6 hours old. Taos was born at home, in an unassisted waterbirth. Johanna began having contractions on my birthday, Saturday night, around 10 pm. After five hours, the contractions stopped completely, so we slept [...]

Fortunate Man.

By |2017-01-07T10:19:04+13:00January 7th, 2012|Introspection|

This year, I find my fortune. The birthday is a perfect time to reassess your life, look back on what you have accomplished, and look ahead at where you are going. To aid in my planning, I draw a Tarot card every year, to help me navigate the road ahead. This year, I drew the [...]

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