
We’re Gypsies. We follow the weather.

By |2013-04-15T10:03:52+12:00April 15th, 2013|Adventure|

It's been nearly two years since we've started living in Costa Rica. Phase 1: Complete! Phase 2 is to live in Portland half the year (the good half) and come back to Costa Rica for another half of the year (the other good half). Portland has a long, wet winter. This may be why the residents of [...]

I’ve Lost the Traceur’s Gaze

By |2012-12-07T12:25:18+13:00December 7th, 2012|Introspection|

I don't do Parkour anymore. Parkour is, admittedly, a young man's sport. Most traceurs are teens with lithe, athletic bodies that haven't been injured yet. I got into the sport late in life, in my 30s. Luckily, I had a background in yoga, physical theater, and acrobatics. After my first round of P90X, I was [...]

One Beer Belly, Please.

By |2011-06-14T15:06:52+12:00June 14th, 2011|Introspection|

I have made the decision to acquire a beer gut. This decision was not come by lightly. I am supposed to be doing P90X this season, but with starting a new business, selling all my worldly possessions, and preparing for a move across the continent, devoting an hour or two every day to my fitness [...]

Don’t Gimme Shelter

By |2011-05-12T10:04:22+12:00May 12th, 2011|Introspection|

The mindset of Western and European people is fundamentally influenced by our crappy weather. When I want to take my kids out of doors, we have to hunt for a large list of essential clothing: Coats Shoes Socks Baby Legs (but my 5 year old insists we call them “leggings,” and if I call [...]

Ruminations on Moss

By |2011-04-12T10:29:20+12:00April 12th, 2011|Introspection|

Portland is a pretty mossy place. Moss needs three things to grow in abundance: Lots of water Little sunshine No movement As a city, and an ecology, Portland is filled with abundance. Things don’t just grow here; they proliferate here. With that abundant proliferation, there is little incentive to chase after life lustily, because it [...]

Gary Vaynerchuk’s Thank You Economy

By |2016-12-10T16:12:18+13:00March 22nd, 2011|Blog, Content Marketing, Portland, Pura Vida MultiMedia, Reviews|

I had the great privilege to meet Gary Vaynerchuk last night at Powell's books. If you don't know who @garyvee is, get a Twitter account, already! Vaynerchuk is one of the most influential social media thought leaders online today. He has used social media as a business strategy, building relationships the way small-town economies had [...]

Small Business Startup Packages video

By |2016-12-20T07:37:39+13:00January 12th, 2011|Portland, Pura Vida MultiMedia, Video|

One of my earliest video projects was for the Portland graphic design and web development creative agency, Spot Color Studio. They wanted to package their offerings in such a way that they could provide the services most frequently used by startup businesses in one standard package. After writing the script for the video to frame [...]

Odd solstice

By |2009-06-22T15:16:57+12:00June 22nd, 2009|Introspection|

On summer solstice it rained.  I wore a jacket.  The longest day of the year, and the weather was such that it made it difficult to free run through my city. My city.  Portland.  A place where parkour is suddenly a seasonal sport. I cannot traverse the cityscape when its railings are wet.  My shoes [...]

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