Personal Blog

No te preocupes.

By |2012-04-09T11:34:44+12:00April 9th, 2012|Introspection|

Don't you worry your pretty little self. This is not an exact translation, but I like to think it provides the character and inclusiveness of this phrase. See, here in Costa Rica, nobody uses the informal case. When people say "You," they say "Usted," which is like saying "The Gentleman." "Tu," the 2nd-person informal use [...]

The Costa Rica Cabalgata

By |2012-04-01T14:48:02+12:00April 1st, 2012|Adventure|

Deep in rural Costa Rica, there is a monthly trail ride known as the Cabalgata. During this event, hundreds of people meet in the morning, drink beer and eat while showing off their riding gear. Then, they ride for an hour into the mountains, stop and eat and drink more. A bit more riding, followed [...]

Have I died, and gone to Heaven?

By |2012-03-20T09:38:10+13:00March 20th, 2012|Introspection|

I often suspect this is the case. Two runners were jogging in the surf this morning, going opposite directions. I was walking through the sand, on my way to the beachside restaurant where I chose to work today. The joggers met each other and embraced joyously, and from fifty yards away, I could see within [...]

4th birthday for Zaden.

By |2012-03-09T16:03:36+13:00March 9th, 2012|Family|

My big, big boy. Today, Zaden turned 4 years old. He loves trains, soccerr balls, and diggers. Yesterday, Tia Juana (Auntie Jane) gave him the best birthday present. She took him to a friend who operates earth moving equipment, and Zaden got to sit on his lap and control the digger for half an hour. He [...]

The Amazing Life Formula

By |2016-12-20T07:37:29+13:00February 20th, 2012|Blog, Content Marketing, Entrepreneur, Hacks, Pura Vida MultiMedia|

A pet project that was years in the making, The Amazing Life Formula is an ambitious information product that combines content marketing, interactive PDF downloads, and personal development. It's no accident that my life transformed, and I run my dream business from my laptop in tropical paradise. I made this happen. By studying the masters of [...]

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