

By |2010-12-16T16:39:52+13:00December 16th, 2010|Introspection|

I’m not just good at a couple of things.  I’m good at nearly everything I do. Believe me, it’s a bitch. Life would be so much simpler if I had one skill, or one passion, and I applied myself to one thing for the rest of my life.  But I could never deal with that. [...]

Winter Solstice, A Full Moon, and an Eclipse

By |2010-11-23T01:52:22+13:00November 23rd, 2010|Introspection|

December 21, 2010.   There’s a lot going on. At 9PM PST on Monday, December 20, 2010, the first full lunar eclipse in three years will begin.  At our longitude on the West Coast of North America, we will have one of the best views. At 3 am Tuesday, December 21, 2010 is the exact [...]

Letting Go

By |2010-11-18T21:34:46+13:00November 18th, 2010|Introspection|

I get a lot of good ideas. LOTS OF THEM.  There is a term for my type of adeptitiude: SCANNERS. People who are not masters of anything, but are pretty good at almost EVERYTHING. That’s me.  My father-in-law pointed it out to me the other day.  “You changed your brakes,” he said.  “I don’t change [...]

I’ve been recaptured by my phone

By |2010-11-12T05:07:13+13:00November 12th, 2010|Introspection|

True Story: Microsoft has moved me on a profoundly philosophical level. [youtube=] I’m especially sensitive to this concept right now, because I just rescued my kidnapped smartphone. For two weeks, I have been stuck with a dumbphone.  I unplugged.  No longer needing to check in at every venue where I could earn Points and Mayorships, [...]

An ideal life – why not?

By |2010-11-05T22:14:37+13:00November 5th, 2010|Introspection|

I have come to realize that struggling to attain a subpar existence is just stupid. My life has been a mess the past few months.  It needed some shaking up, and I’m glad it’s happened.  Now that the vertigo has decreased, I’m looking around at the landscape of my desires, capabilities, and directions, and I [...]

Whats in a name?

By |2010-09-28T15:18:32+13:00September 28th, 2010|Introspection|

I’ve always been rather proud of my google-ability.  When you type your own name into Google, it’s a handy look at your virtual image: this is how other people see you, when they type in your name.  My page looks great: I’ve got total rights to the name, since few Gaels have this specific spelling, [...]

Don’t achieve. Just be.

By |2010-07-26T16:33:35+12:00July 26th, 2010|Introspection|

I'm enjoying this new lesson on success. I usually spend my time striving.  Working for something greater.  And I'm usually falling short, so I push myself harder.  I focus and discipline myself even more.  And it wasn't working. Last week, even though I only had a few bucks, I decided to stop putting off the [...]

The man. The mystery. Himself.

By |2010-05-12T21:45:10+12:00May 12th, 2010|Introspection|

I am a lot of different people all at once. At my core, I am a performer.  This allows me to take on the different facets of my personality, many of which I have to keep from overshadowing the others. Some people know me as the nice insurance salesman. Others see me sprint by as [...]

Morning rituals

By |2010-03-07T20:06:07+13:00March 7th, 2010|Introspection|

I continually hone what constitutes my morning.  This next few weeks I will incorporate meditation, no excuses. Meditation is hard for me to incorporate, because it feels like I'm not doing anything.  That is, however, the point; it allows me to process.  To digest.  I have developed digestion problems of late, because I am inundating [...]

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