
About Caelan Huntress

Caelan Huntress is an American digital nomad living in New Zealand, and has spent ten years running an online business while traveling the world with his young family. Caelan is a website designer, copywriter, and sales strategist who specializes in helping entrepreneurs make more money in less time through setting up smart marketing systems. Subscribe to Caelan's newsletter here.

Shedding Stuff and Juggling Drunk

By |2011-06-27T08:59:49+12:00June 27th, 2011|Introspection|

I lost my backpack this weekend. And it didn’t even phase me. I’m a Capricorn. I am notoriously addicted to stuff. While not exactly a hoarder, I could easily be called a collector…and maybe even an over-packer. I like to be well stocked and supplied. Okay, I’m a hoarder. When we move to Costa Rica [...]

Relaxing from my Center

By |2011-06-24T10:29:14+12:00June 24th, 2011|Introspection|

It’s only because I am consciously rocking the gut this summer that I noticed:  I have been continually holding tension in my abdomen. Tight in my center. That’s me. This unfortunate side effect of staying in shape has created energetic blocks between myself and what I want to manifest. By staying tense, pulling in [...]

One Beer Belly, Please.

By |2011-06-14T15:06:52+12:00June 14th, 2011|Introspection|

I have made the decision to acquire a beer gut. This decision was not come by lightly. I am supposed to be doing P90X this season, but with starting a new business, selling all my worldly possessions, and preparing for a move across the continent, devoting an hour or two every day to my fitness [...]

Personal Message x 1mil #trust30

By |2011-06-09T08:20:40+12:00June 9th, 2011|Photos|

Your Personal Message by Eric Handler To believe your own thought, to believe that what is true for you in your private heart is true for all men, that is genius. – Ralph Waldo Emerson What is burning deep inside of you? If you could spread your personal message RIGHT NOW to 1 million people, what would you [...]

100 Digital Ninjas #trust30

By |2011-06-06T09:39:07+12:00June 6th, 2011|Photos|

Dare to be bold by Matt Cheuvront Our arts, our occupations, our marriages, our religion, we have not chosen, but society has chosen for us. We are parlour soldiers. We shun the rugged battle of fate, where strength is born. – Ralph Waldo Emerson “Next to Resistance, rational thought is the artist or entrepreneurs worst enemy. [...]

How to Post Regularly on Social Media

By |2016-12-20T07:37:33+13:00June 2nd, 2011|Content Marketing, Entrepreneur, Pura Vida MultiMedia|

Social Media is intimidating. Many people fear their Twitter account, because it seems like you have to be online all the time. You don't. You can still maintain a constant social media presence by scheduling your posts in advance. When you are working at optimum efficiency, you are batching your tasks in groups. Using a few technical tools, [...]

One Strong Belief #trust30

By |2011-06-02T08:07:34+12:00June 2nd, 2011|Photos|

One Strong Belief by Buster Benson It is easy in the world to live after the world’s opinion; it is easy in solitude to live after our own; but the great man is he who in the midst of the crowd keeps with perfect sweetness the independence of solitude. - Ralph Waldo Emerson, Self-Reliance The world is [...]

The Sentence of Today. #trust30

By |2011-06-01T08:44:29+12:00June 1st, 2011|Photos|

Today by Liz Danzico Your genuine action will explain itself, and will explain your other genuine actions. Your conformity explains nothing. The force of character is cumulative. – Ralph Waldo Emerson, Self-Reliance If ‘the voyage of the best ship is a zigzag line of a hundred tacks,’ then it is more genuine to be present today than [...]

Hey, thanks. This life is awesome. #trust30

By |2011-05-31T17:06:26+12:00May 31st, 2011|Introspection|

According to the rules of the #trust30 writing prompts, this is my first day (out of 30) of trusting myself, and writing what needs to be written. Todays prompt: We are afraid of truth, afraid of fortune, afraid of death, and afraid of each other. Our age yields no great and perfect persons. – Ralph [...]

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