
Two Years for Taos

By |2014-01-17T11:38:42+13:00January 17th, 2014|Family|

I have three big kids. Taos was not a baby for very long. He has two older siblings to chase after, to learn from, and to mimic. I was really surprised that he potty trained at 18 months old, but happily relieved! This actually makes it very hard to dress him, because nobody makes big [...]

The First Birthday for Taos.

By |2013-01-08T19:04:16+13:00January 8th, 2013|Family|

Me and my boy, we've got back-to-back birthdays. Last year, when Johanna started going into contractions on my birthday, I thought, "How great! We can share a birthday!" As the contractions went around the corner, into the morning of the 8th, I realized how much nicer this is. I've got my day, and he's got [...]

I’ve Lost the Traceur’s Gaze

By |2012-12-07T12:25:18+13:00December 7th, 2012|Introspection|

I don't do Parkour anymore. Parkour is, admittedly, a young man's sport. Most traceurs are teens with lithe, athletic bodies that haven't been injured yet. I got into the sport late in life, in my 30s. Luckily, I had a background in yoga, physical theater, and acrobatics. After my first round of P90X, I was [...]

Costa Rican Permanent Residents.

By |2016-12-29T12:58:05+13:00October 15th, 2012|Adventure, Family|

We went to San Jose last week to finalize the paperwork for our Residency status. In 2011, we came to Costa Rica while Johanna was five months pregnant. Because we were having a baby in Costa Rica, all first-level relatives (parents and siblings) of a Costa Rican citizen are eligible to apply for Permanent Residency. [...]

A visit to the Mennonites’ farm

By |2012-07-02T09:35:34+12:00July 2nd, 2012|Adventure|

Every week at the feria, we buy raw, unpasteurized goat yogurt and goat milk from Noah Ulric. He was kind enough to invite our family out to his farm this past weekend for lunch. Noah has four daughters, a young son, and a sixth baby on the way! His girls were so nice to our [...]

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