
The Costa Rica Cabalgata

By |2012-04-01T14:48:02+12:00April 1st, 2012|Adventure|

Deep in rural Costa Rica, there is a monthly trail ride known as the Cabalgata. During this event, hundreds of people meet in the morning, drink beer and eat while showing off their riding gear. Then, they ride for an hour into the mountains, stop and eat and drink more. A bit more riding, followed [...]

The Baby is Imminent.

By |2011-12-26T13:35:43+13:00December 26th, 2011|Family|

After waiting for nine months, we are ready for the baby. Any day now. The holidays are done, the cradle is set up next to the bed, we have a supply of diapers and blankets; now we are just making minor tweaks to our plans. This is our third child. After going through [...]

Surprise Baby Shower!

By |2011-12-19T07:42:49+13:00December 19th, 2011|Family|

This weekend Heather Gamewell (Indilea's ballet teacher) and I put together a surprise baby shower for Johanna. The cover story: I told Johanna I was being interviewed by a reporter from El Financiero, the Costa Rica's version of the Business Journal. I left in the morning to set up the party, and called [...]

New ride

By |2011-12-11T08:02:11+13:00December 11th, 2011|Adventure|

Seats the whole family. 94 Isuzu Trooper. Solid ride, 4x4 for bumpy Costa Rica roads, and a color that doesn't show dirt. I drove seven hours to San Jose and back the day I bought it, and it performed like a champ. We're considering names for the car; suggestions are welcome in the comments!

Toddlers are Immature

By |2011-10-24T17:01:09+13:00October 24th, 2011|Family|

About once a week, I find myself sighing as I watch Zaden explode in another emotional rage and telling him, "Dude, you're really being immature." My wife thought this was funny the first time I said it, but now that I tell him this on a somewhat regular basis (because hey, he is [...]

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