
I’m a lucky bastard.

By |2011-09-25T07:43:40+13:00September 25th, 2011|Introspection|

Any list of personal gratitudes could potentially be very long, for any living person: having eyes, having a mind that allows you to think, a heart that gives you desires, and the fulfillment of even tiny desires - these are all gratitudes that are available to any of us. Sometimes, life puts us in the [...]

Family Dinner Redux

By |2011-09-13T06:28:45+12:00September 13th, 2011|Family|

By far, one of the greatest blessings of our new life is having family dinner together. Our house is small and cozy, making it easier to corral the chaos that is our children around a table for a meal. Every day, we sit around our small wooden table, and say grace, and eat dinner together. [...]

I am now living the best days of my life.

By |2011-09-06T08:17:58+12:00September 6th, 2011|Adventure|

This is the type of affirmation that I used to repeat to myself, as a mantra to direct the sluggish iceberg of my subconscious mind into a direction that I wanted to go. By embodying that feeling, I have manifested that outcome: I am now, truly, living the best days of my life. My house [...]

A Week with the Kids

By |2010-12-25T20:58:01+13:00December 25th, 2010|Family|

Me and my kids. All week. For the first time, Johanna is going on a trip by herself. Well, not all by herself; she's going with her mom, and they are taking a flight to Costa Rica tonight, on Christmas. This is the first time she has left her children for more than a few [...]

Falling in Love

By |2010-10-24T17:30:03+13:00October 24th, 2010|Family|

My daughter couldn't sleep last night.   She came down into my office and sat on my lap while I worked on my laptop.  We chatted a little bit, and then I lapsed into silence while I worked, and she looked around at my shelves. "Daddy, what's that?" she asked. My first reaction was to [...]

Eat, Drink, and Be Merry

By |2010-10-16T02:43:54+13:00October 16th, 2010|Family|

Friday is such an amazing thing to experience.  There is truly nothing like it. After a week of toil, when you can quit your job and spend an evening feeling refreshed with your family--this is what it means to enjoy life.

My wife is amazing.

By |2009-12-22T16:29:28+13:00December 22nd, 2009|Family|

One of the recurring joys of my life is falling in love with my wife all over. Last night my wife told me a story that threw me head over heels again.  This story illustrates how beautiful she is as a human being, and I feel so lucky and privileged that I get to spend [...]

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