
New Years Resolutions 2015

By |2015-01-01T14:00:48+13:00January 1st, 2015|Excellence|

New years resolutions really resonate with me. Sometimes, I can make them stick, and keep better habits; other times, I break my New Year’s Resolutions, and learn plenty from them. Resolutions seem to have fallen out of style, despite evidence suggesting that new habits stick better when you start them on important days, and besides, I [...]

Eating GMO-free keeps me healthy and fit

By |2014-10-26T13:29:48+13:00October 26th, 2014|Excellence|

My body is in great shape, and I am healthy and strong, all because I made the commitment to eat GMO-free in 2002. Without laws requiring genetically modified food to be labeled in the United States, if I want to exclude GMOs from my diet, I have to be extremely selective about the food that I [...]

An Open Letter to Alec Baldwin: Farewell.

By |2014-03-03T12:20:45+13:00March 3rd, 2014|Excellence|

Dear Mr. Baldwin: We are strangers, and in a more just world, we would remain so. Your recent farewell to public life has, I hope, cauterized the exposure of your personal life to the public eye, and I thank you for making this change. Since this is farewell, allow me the monumental hubris to speak [...]

New Years Resolutions 2014

By |2014-01-01T20:21:21+13:00January 1st, 2014|Excellence|

I love the New Year. It is a time when we assess ourselves, and frankly decide on how to become the person we decide to be. When I make my annual resolutions, I am constructing the person I want to be next year. Deciding on his habits. Creating his goals. Envisioning his achievements. Every year, I [...]

Positive attitude is not permanent.

By |2013-10-02T11:39:09+13:00October 2nd, 2013|Excellence|

I spend most of my time as a positive thinker. This is by choice, not by temperament. My nature is to be moody and grouch about what is going wrong in my life.  “Happiness is a choice that requires effort.” - Aeschylus I don’t have a naturally sunny disposition. When I think positive, it is [...]

My daily rhythm

By |2013-08-05T09:45:32+12:00August 5th, 2013|Excellence|

A daily rhythm can serve as the metronome for the song of your life.I first learned about setting a daily rhythm through Waldorf education. By providing a regular daily series of events, a child can easily transition from one stage to the next.Having three small children in a small house, we created a wonderful daily [...]

Making Things Manifest

By |2013-02-19T15:57:17+13:00February 19th, 2013|Excellence|

"We Become What We Think About." - Earl Nightingale Maybe you've noticed this, too: people who keep having problems over and over again, they really like to talk about them. Those who live life of ease - they don't. Gossip and complaining is not how they comment on the world. There is a very real correlation [...]

A NaNoWriMo technique for Manifestation

By |2012-11-20T09:57:12+13:00November 20th, 2012|Excellence|

I love National Novel Writing Month. Every November, I pit myself against my word count, and I inevitably improve as a writer and a storyteller. The first few years, I crafted novels. First draft, story arc, plotline, character development, novels. Long-form works of this scope are exhausting, creatively. I love writing them, and I love [...]

My Morning Routine

By |2012-11-14T09:36:24+13:00November 14th, 2012|Excellence|

I rise at 5 am. My alarm goes off 15 minutes prior, and as I snooze, I lie in bed reciting affirmations to myself, through the open door of my subconscious mind. "I love my life." "I believe something wonderful will happen to me today." "I am so grateful for my life." "I breathe in [...]

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