I love the New Year.
It is a time when we assess ourselves, and frankly decide on how to become the person we decide to be.
When I make my annual resolutions, I am constructing the person I want to be next year. Deciding on his habits. Creating his goals. Envisioning his achievements.
Every year, I create a vision board to set my course, and remind me of who I want to become. This is now the desktop background on my Macbook:
Many of my fellow bloggers do an Annual Review, which I hope to complete before my birthday next week. 2013 was a great year, full of unexpected change and easy, fateful transitions.
Many people take advantage of this annual cycle to plot out how they wish to feel, and to identify what their core desired feelings are going to be.
Looking forward, I have resolved for 2014:
- I will exercise to a full sweat 3 times per week.
- I will take my wife on a date without kids every month.
- Every week, we will talk about each child, and discuss what they need for their evolution, right now.
- Every week, I will have alone time with each of my children.
- I will have a six pack abdomen by summertime.
- I will go through the Master Cleanse at least once.
- I will attend World Domination Summit, Pioneer Nation, and one more conference that networks me with amazing, interesting people.
- I will pass through work to my contractors in under 24 hours.
- I will frame my story and my audience.
- I will give a keynote speech to at least 1000 people.
- I will donate $1,000 to charity.
- I will make great portfolio pieces.
- I will travel to two new countries with my family.
- I will save three months of expenses and pay off debt.
- I will decide on the work that matters most to me.
I have loaded up these resolutions in a letter to the future me, and when I open this email next year, I hope to see them all accomplished.
Creating a desktop background to remind you of who you want to become is a fabulous idea! I am certain your 2014 will be amazing, because you always make it that way. Happy New Year!
Happy New Year, Crystal! I’ve been doing this for three years now. It’s been keeping my desktop clean, because I don’t want to cover up all these pictures that I love – and every day I am reminded of my vision, whenever I swipe my windows away.
Right On! Love your passion and commitment and inspiration!!!
Thanks, Jonathan! I learned a whole lot of it from you.