moving to new zealand

11th move in 11 Years

By |2021-08-02T09:31:13+12:00August 1st, 2021|Adventure, Blog, Family|

The Huntress Clan completed our 11th move in 11 years on Samhain, which is April 30 in the Southern Hemisphere. We have bounced from country to country for a decade, going from town to town, looking for a place we might call home. With this latest transition, we may have found it. Many of [...]

One year in New Zealand

By |2018-12-14T20:59:40+13:00June 1st, 2018|Adventure, The Good Stuff|

I've been extraordinarily busy over the past year. Today is the one-year anniversary of putting in our 30-day notice on the house we were renting in Portland. Within the past year, the Huntress Clan has: Packed all of our worldly possessions into a storage unit Moved temporarily into my father-in-law's house Planted the Fairy Godmother, [...]

Annual Review 2017

By |2018-10-12T09:40:22+13:00December 31st, 2017|Introspection|

2017 has not turned out at all like I planned; but thankfully, I didn't hold onto my plans very tightly. Instead of deciding on my outcomes, I held on to my vision. Even when my plans changed. Especially when my plans changed. Every pivot has brought me to a shorter, unexpected path leading to my two [...]

My First Trip to New Zealand

By |2017-09-24T16:41:23+13:00June 12th, 2017|Adventure, New Zealand, The Good Stuff|

It all started with LookSee Wellington. This program offered all-expense-paid trips for 100 people working in the Tech industry to come and visit Wellington, the capital of New Zealand. 48,000 people applied. Only 0.2% of those who applied were invited, and I was not one of them. Still, applying for a trip to New Zealand [...]

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