Living in Costa Rica

I’m a lucky bastard.

By |2011-09-25T07:43:40+13:00September 25th, 2011|Introspection|

Any list of personal gratitudes could potentially be very long, for any living person: having eyes, having a mind that allows you to think, a heart that gives you desires, and the fulfillment of even tiny desires - these are all gratitudes that are available to any of us. Sometimes, life puts us in the [...]

I am now living the best days of my life.

By |2011-09-06T08:17:58+12:00September 6th, 2011|Adventure|

This is the type of affirmation that I used to repeat to myself, as a mantra to direct the sluggish iceberg of my subconscious mind into a direction that I wanted to go. By embodying that feeling, I have manifested that outcome: I am now, truly, living the best days of my life. My house [...]

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