
About Caelan Huntress

Caelan Huntress is an American digital nomad living in New Zealand, and has spent ten years running an online business while traveling the world with his young family. Caelan is a website designer, copywriter, and sales strategist who specializes in helping entrepreneurs make more money in less time through setting up smart marketing systems. Subscribe to Caelan's newsletter here.

The ideavirus that is Anonymous

By |2011-10-18T06:58:21+13:00October 18th, 2011|Geek Time|

I am fascinated with Anonymous. They are the perfect antagonist to Wall Street, and the fitting figurehead of #occupywallstreet. (If you don’t know what Occupy Wall Street is, turn off your TV and get on Twitter.) Anonymous is the only entity that is fluid enough to disrupt the idea of ‘corporations,’ because they exist, literally, [...]

A Moment to Mourn for a Stranger

By |2011-10-17T07:03:34+13:00October 17th, 2011|Excellence|

I never knew Steve Jobs. But my life has been forever changed by his works. After unsuccessful career moves and a frustrating decade of PC proficiency, I bought my first Macbook Pro. I delved into the design, the usability, the ease of computing. I started a hobby, and then a career, as a web designer [...]

Insomnia Bath

By |2011-10-16T03:24:40+13:00October 16th, 2011|Introspection|

I've been a bad blogger lately. Sure, I've been busy - running a business, moving to Costa Rica, chasing after two toddlers, etc. - but there's no need for me to neglect my blog like this. Aw, great. I just took ANOTHER crap on my blog, and opened my post with an apology [...]

Border trip to Panama

By |2011-10-04T12:51:22+13:00October 4th, 2011|Adventure|

It’s a nice excuse for a day trip, and it’s exactly the sort of bureaucratic bobbing and weaving that is essential to living in a socialized country. Today, we bought bus tickets that we will never use, from Costa Rica’s border town of San Vito to Panama, for 90 days from now. These will replace [...]

I’m a lucky bastard.

By |2011-09-25T07:43:40+13:00September 25th, 2011|Introspection|

Any list of personal gratitudes could potentially be very long, for any living person: having eyes, having a mind that allows you to think, a heart that gives you desires, and the fulfillment of even tiny desires - these are all gratitudes that are available to any of us. Sometimes, life puts us in the [...]

Dream job? Check.

By |2011-09-20T09:09:54+12:00September 20th, 2011|Business, Introspection|

I’ve got my dream job. Ramit Sethi asked in this post about people who have successfully achieved their dream job, and my comment on the post got lots of responses. So I realized it’s time for me to describe it on my own blog. I design websites while living in Costa Rica. It [...]

Family Dinner Redux

By |2011-09-13T06:28:45+12:00September 13th, 2011|Family|

By far, one of the greatest blessings of our new life is having family dinner together. Our house is small and cozy, making it easier to corral the chaos that is our children around a table for a meal. Every day, we sit around our small wooden table, and say grace, and eat dinner together. [...]

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