I’m enjoying this new lesson on success.
I usually spend my time striving. Working for something greater. And I’m usually falling short, so I push myself harder. I focus and discipline myself even more. And it wasn’t working.
Last week, even though I only had a few bucks, I decided to stop putting off the little things that maintained my sense of self worth. I had a networking appointment cancel on me, so I went and had my car washed. I changed the oil. I picked up my dry cleaning. I bought a bunch of new socks.
I knew I needed to accomplish each of these errands for three days to three months, and all of them I put off because it was easy to save a little bit by putting that minor expense off. And putting it off. And putting it off, until, I find myself 7,000 miles over the last time I changed my oil! I haven’t been that negligent of an automobile since I was old enough to drive.
And man, I felt it. I felt kicked out of shape, and in need of some regular, routine maintenance. I scraped together two hundred bucks and I took care of myself for an afternoon.
And suddenly, I felt alive.
I felt like I was the purpose that I was living this trip through creation for.
Everything I did, I did because it mattered. It mattered to me to do it. To feel it. To experience it.
To live it.
And I jumped up with gusto, and decided I was ready to play this amazing game called life with all that I had, and I deserved the rewards that were there for any man with skill and will to acquire.
I did not need to achieve these things; I needed to acquire them.
They were not out of my grasp. They were not out of my reach. I simply needed to decide that I was worth this greatness, this abundance that surrounds our every breath.