Speaking Topics
Any are suitable as a 45-minute keynote or 90-minute workshop (without or with exercises)
The 4 Cornerstones of your Personal Platform
Your personal brand is something no one else has. When you make your personality part of your branding, your Personal Platform keeps you visible to your audience, clients, and customers. You can spend lots of time, energy, and money on your marketing and still be unknown beyond a small audience. But with a solid platform, you can gather a larger group of like-minded people around you. There are four cornerstones to the platforms of experts and entrepreneurs: Positioning, Profit, Strategy, and Systems. You need all four of these cornerstones to elevate to the next level. Moving from the Soapbox to the Showroom, from the Stage to the Stadium, requires a practical understanding of digital marketing and customer dynamics.
- Review case studies of successful personal platforms
- Identify the weakest cornerstone in your own platform
- Download a free digital copy of Caelan’s book Marketing Yourself
Gamify Your Work: Get More Done In Good Cheer
Making hard work into a good time only takes a shift in perspective. When you make your work enjoyable, you increase your capacity, curiosity, and creativity, which will improve your performance. Nobody has to convince you to play a game that you like. If you can turn your work into a fun game, your resistance to the task will be lower, your enthusiasm for accomplishment will be higher, and you will achieve more than if you treated your work like a chore.This interactive workshop will teach participants how to turn boring work into gamified experiences. We will:
- Play 3 interactive games that beat burnout and improve collaboration
- Review 4 popular productivity frameworks, and
- Learn techniques to create incentive structures that improve performance.
Your Personal Brand vs Your Business Brand
Your brand is how the marketplace understands you. When your brand is based on your personality, your business can suffer unless you know what your business brand’s role is compared to your personal brand. There are advantages and disadvantages to business brands and personal brands, and in this workshop we will identify what your audience wants from you, and how you (and your business) can best show up for them.
- Review Personal vs Business Branding Case Studies
- Learn the 7 Criteria for great brand names
- Use the Personal Branding Checklist to audit your own branding
Use ChatGPT to Create a Social Media Content Calendar
Using copy-paste formulas and prompts, you can use robots to create compelling content that gets results. By separating the two mindsets of Thinking and Doing, you can maintain your efficiency and protect your time for the work that matters most. Producing content is time-consuming, distracting, and confusing – unless you plan your content calendar in advance. When people see you regularly online, they remember who you are, what you do, and how you can help them. The ChatGPT Workbook provided to all attendees will give you step-by-step instructions to create months of content in your voice in less than an hour.
- Train an AI bot during the workshop to mimic your voice and style
- Use ChatGPT to plan three months of content in your voice
- Implement fill-in-the-blank formulas to create headlines that get clicked
Small Business Marketing Lab
As a business owner, you need new leads and new revenue to get to your next level of growth. But finding leads takes time away from doing your best work. The best marketing brings you the most amount of leads in the least amount of time. During this interactive workshop, digital marketing expert Caelan Huntress will share with you 4 practical methods to generate more leads and nurture your sales pipeline. This workshop is suitable for any business owner with a website and an email list (no matter how small). Attendees will leave with a workbook full of ideas that you can implement right away to grow your business.
- Identify the four stages of your own Marketing Cycle
- Differentiate between Sales and Marketing messages
- Brainstorm practical techniques for attracting and converting more leads into customers
Tall Poppy & Impostor Syndrome: The Irony of Expertise
- Discover the clarity of the truest you, and how your greatest wound is your greatest power
- Learn about the stages of the Impostor Cycle
- Discover why high achievers are the most likely to doubt themselves
The Neuroscience of Narrative: Business Storytelling Frameworks
- Understand the brain chemistry that makes stories so compelling
- Learn how to create an emotional reaction in the listener
- Apply the 5-act structure to your business story
Narrow Your Niche
The riches are in the niches, and if you are marketing too broad, you will be too bland to remember. By identifying the specific niche where you can provide the most value, you will create an unforgettable signal to the right kind of customer.
- Brainstorm smaller segments of your audience
- Review case studies of businesses that have narrowed their niche
- Focus your messaging on the most profitable overlaps
Marketing Yourself
Nobody stands out from the crowd by staying quiet, bland, or unseen. If you have something to say or something to sell, Marketing Yourself is how you attract an audience, spread your message, and sell your wares. Your personal brand is something no one else has. When you make your personality part of your branding, you have to handle haters, imposter syndrome, and self-censorship. By elevating the four cornerstones of your personal platform, and crafting a personal statement that resonates with the right audience, you can improve your impact, income, and influence, and design a lifestyle that suits you best.
- Develop a clear personal statement to stand out from the crowd
- Create powerful messages that matter with content experiments
- Handle impostor syndrome and battle self-censorship
Bitcoin Basics
What is Web3, and how does a normal person with start using cryptocurrency? This introductory workshop covers the basics of blockchain and Bitcoin in a way that any non-technical person can understand. If you can learn how to use a credit card, and you understand how credit cards can make purchases instead of cash, then you can learn how to use Bitcoin, too. After learning the basics, attendees will learn the best resources they can research to dive deeper into the future of the internet.
- Learn the basics of Bitcoin and Blockchain
- Security to set up and scams to beware
- Step-by-step instructions for buying cryptocurrency
- How you can get ready for the future of money
After First Contact: Onboarding New Leads
When someone submits a contact form on your website, what happens next? Do they get a bland message, thanking them for filling out the form? Or do they get rewarded with a warm welcome, from a person with a personality, and a message describing exactly what they can do next? This interactive, 60-minute workshop is full of practical tips and detailed case studies showcasing how you can guide your new leads into deeper relationship with you. By showcasing your best content, you can make it clear what the next step is on their customer journey.
- Automate authentic connection with new leads
- Use copy-paste script templates to welcome interaction
- Identify the pinch points that could be choking your conversions
Magnetic Messaging Masterclass: Turning Words into Action
When you know what to say and when to say it, growing your business becomes easy. You just show up at the right places, and say the right thing, and the right kinds of people will be attracted to working with you. But first, you have to craft those magnetic messages. This interactive workshop is full of practical exercises that will help you do the hard work that makes marketing easy.
- Review case studies of brilliant messaging that attracts an audience
- Learn simple formulas for copywriting an elevator pitch, personal statement, and unique value proposition
- Practice interactive exercises to give and get feedback on your messages
Playful Productivity
You can get more out of your limited resources of time and energy, by strategically using gamification techniques in your work. Play improves our attention and increases innovation, transforming how we work. Play changes your state, gives you the resilience needed to solve hard problems, and empowers you to do better work in good cheer. By alternating between deep and shallow work, you can prevent cognitive fatigue by increasing variety & novelty. Practicing how to succeed (and fail) with others in low-stakes play will form deeper relationships that enable you to handle high-stakes difficulties together. When you enjoy what you are doing, your positive momentum enables you to get more done.
- Gamify your progress to achieve better outcomes
- Learn four popular productivity frameworks
- Practice games that increase collaboration
Plan For Success By Setting SMART Goals
Things get left undone because we don’t plan for them properly. Setting goals is planning for succes. Without written goals, your aspirations are too vague to manifest. Defining what you want with SMART Goal Setting Techniques, can leverage the 4 types of goals to increase your accomplishments. Achieve what you want, and craft a plan to attain it, by identifying shortcuts to your best opportunities.
- Use the Five Whys to identify the Wrong Goals
- Learn how sharing goals with others improves performance
- Monitor your progress with the Accountability Formula
Token Gating Memberships in Web3 Communities
Token gating lets you purchase, prove, or earn membership in a community – and have that membership validated on the blockchain. At the intersection of technology and culture, Web3 is creating an immersive, personalized, and ownable Internet. Learning about the new capabilities of community management with token gating can help you cultivate a stronger community around your project. How are companies using NFTs and POAPs to reward their members? This interactive presentation covers 5 case studies of web3 communities using Token Gating to confirm and reward membership. Attendees will receive a free NFT (which will unlock rewards) to demonstrate how this technology works with hands-on experience.
- Observe how other projects are using token-gating to grow communities
- Practice receiving a POAP with an in-workshop NFT drop
- Brainstorm ideas for using web3 to incentivize membership in your community
The Four Levels Of Productivity
If you want to be more effective in your life and your business, learn to make the most of the time you’ve got.
Setting up a simple system to manage and prioritise your tasks will give you confidence that you are not wasting time on doing the wrong things. This overview of 3 popular productivity systems will teach you how to plan your day, track your activity, and discover enough time to do all the things that matter.
- When to wear your Thinking Cap vs your Doing Cap
- 3 popular productivity systems and how to use them
- How to alternate states of focus with states of rest for optimal performance
Make a Simple Sales Pipeline
Your selling systems determine your success. The good news is, you don’t need an expensive and complicated CRM to manage your follow-ups. You can use a series of simple checklists to manage all of your leads. Developing a checklist that moves prospects from one stage of your pipeline to the next gives you a simple strategy for closing new clients, and show you exactly who you need to talk to (and what to say) when you want to go make some money.
- Identify four different stages of your own pipeline
- Articulate the qualification steps to advance to each stage
- Set up a simple CRM that tracks your activity and guides your prospecting
Lead Magnetism
Solving small problems for free can fill your funnel with more leads. A Lead Magnet is a small, digestible, nicely designed example of your ability to solve your customer’s problems. This provides a risk-free method to try one of your solutions, and if you solve a small problem well, you will create relationships that lead to you be hired to solve bigger problems.
- Brainstorm ideas for a list-building lead magnet
- Map out the stages from stranger to customer
- Review case studies of successful sales funnels
Hybrid Team Culture
Work is a verb, not a location. Remote workers can get stuck in surviving instead of performing at their best, especially if the team is split between in-person office workers on alternating days. Hybrid teams require asymmetrical balance, with clear and open interactions across digital mediums. By planning interactive experiences, both synchronously and asynchronously, you can earn the full attention of a hybrid team. When people feel connected because of strong interpersonal relationships, they care more about their work, and are willing to support each other through challenge.
- Understand best practices of remote work
- Review case studies of successful hybrid teams
- Invite teammates to deeper relationships
Mapping the Customer Journey of the Hero
Your customer is on a journey, from the problem they face, to the solution you provide. You can create a map for them to follow using mythic storytelling. The Monomyth was revealed by Joseph Campbell, in his book Hero With a Thousand Faces. His framework of all stories as reflections of one great cultural story has helped to craft the legends we see on the screen. From Star Wars to Moana, from The Matrix to Harry Potter, all our major cultural stories have followed this same journey. Providing your customer with this same map will help them to follow you on a quest to their purchase.
- Use the power of mythic storytelling to make your marketing into an adventure
- Identify the 12 stages of Joseph Campbell’s Journey of the Hero
- Apply these stages to your own Cutomer Journey
Calling To Action
The Call-to-Action does not need to convince or persuade. Its only purpose is to clearly present the necessary details that articulate the next step to the purchase. Using a Call-to-Action to force a Buying Decision is what makes selling uncomfortable. Separating the Buying Decision from the Call-to-Action will lower resistance to sales, and clearly distinguish the difference between Sales and Marketing.
- Differentiate between the Buying Decision and the Call-to-Action
- Create simple, repeatable statements for selling and marketing
- Discover the roles of the head and the heart in buying decisions
Questions That Sell
Asking good questions will increase your chances of success. People can ignore a monologue, but they cannot ignore a dialogue, if they are a part of it. Intelligent questions predispose your customer to buy, inviting them to puzzle through their problems with you. Understanding the psychology of questions and answers will empower you to use binary questions to lead your prospect to a conclusion, and build a Yes Chain before asking a closing question.
- Practice interactive questions that invite deeper conversations
- Learn the psychological reasons why questions lower defenses
- Craft questions that lead to your commercial answers
Your Personal Statement
How you introduce yourself creates an impression that lasts for the length of your relationship. Practicing a Personal Statement in advance will craft an intentional impression that gets results. In this interactive workshop, students will create a short Personal Statement, a medium-length Elevator Pitch, and a longer Bio that they can copy-paste anytime they are asked to introduce themselves to someone new.
- Review a dozen compelling Personal Statements from others
- Use a simple formula to craft a short, sticky Personal Statement
- Write a new bio paragraph that can be used in all your online profiles
Research Your Competition For Fun & Profit
For many entrepreneurs on their journey through the wilderness, they aren’t explorers with indefinite supplies for a trip of unknown duration. Most entrepreneurs are looking for another customer to fix their cashflow, and then another, and then another.
There’s a trail out of the woods. And your competition has left clear marks, a trail that you can follow, highlighting what works for them. Studying their steps can guide you faster to success, and these prctical techniques will show you how to find and learn from your competitors.
- Identify the three types of competitors
- Supercharge your copywriting with a swipe file
- Learn who CNN fears more than Fox News
Work From Home Like A Boss
Studies have shown that working from home can increase your productivity. When remote workers learn to manage their energy and mood, working from home can become a fulfilling method of prioiritizing their life around what matters most to them. Fully remote corporate teams have provided examples and best practices that can help anyone work from home effectively, whether as a solopreneur, or as part of a larger distributed team.
- Manage and measure your own output accurately
- Communicate clear boundaries with your team and your family
- Shift your mindset from stress to relaxation at will
Asking For Referrals And Testimonials
The two most profitable questions you can ask in your business are also, paradoxically, the ones that we fear the most. Entrepreneurs rely on referrals and testimonials to maintain their network of clients and customers, and studies show that referred customers are worth 16% more in terms of lifetime value, so why do we fear to ask for them? In this session we will learn how to overcome your fear of rejection, by using a simple, repeatable process for collecting the best kinds of clients.
- Learn little-known secrets that make testimonial collection easy
- Overcome anxiety when asking for referrals by using simple scripts
- Increase the lifetime value of your customers by askiung smart questions
How To Turn Email Subscribers Into Buyers
Building an email list is one of the best ways to create a business doing something that you care about. Solopreneurs around the world are able to develop an audience, and make a living from that audience, by turning email subscribers into buyers. Once someone voluntarily agrees to subscribe to your newsletter list, its up to you to provide value, deepen the relationship, and make commercial offers.
- Learn one simple tweak that can 10x conversions
- Copy templates of simple onboarding messages that sell
- Learn how to sell from your lead magnet using the power of free samples
Making a Mastermind With The Accountability Formula
Your goals are built on previous levels of mastery. Using the Accountability Formula, you can frame your goals in the context of success. Declaring your commitments to others keeps a regular pace of accountability, and having a regular Mastermind to share and troubleshoot your challenges will help you calibrate the best way forward.
- Review Andrew Carnegie’s Mastermind Opening
- Learn a simple formula for hosting your own mastermind meeting
- Share goals to receive accountability check-ins on achieving them
Meet Caelan
Caelan Huntress is the Creative Director of Stellar Platforms, a digital marketing agency that sets up smart marketing systems. His book ‘Marketing Yourself’ has helped thousands of personality-based businesses to create content that converts attention into revenue. He is an American immigrant to New Zealand, and has spent ten years running an online business while traveling the world with his young family.
With 25 years of experience in storytelling, first as a theatrical performer, and now as a marketing strategist, Caelan leads a team of international contractors that help people tell better stories using digital media.
As a public speaker and business coach, Caelan helps experts and entrepreneurs to improve their impact, income, and influence
“Caelan is very personable, and his content is solid.
He has an ability to sell without selling from the stage, and that’s a skill that speakers need to succeed today.”
“Caelan’s presentation was unique, practical, and engaging. He had great command of the material, and from a performance perspective, he connected strongly with the audience. Bottom line: the attendees said this was one of the best presentations of the event.”
“Caelan has a great classroom presence that really helps his students get the message. He practices what he preaches and just watching him host online meetings is an education of its own.”