
11th move in 11 Years

By |2021-08-02T09:31:13+12:00August 1st, 2021|Adventure, Blog, Family|

The Huntress Clan completed our 11th move in 11 years on Samhain, which is April 30 in the Southern Hemisphere. We have bounced from country to country for a decade, going from town to town, looking for a place we might call home. With this latest transition, we may have found it. Many of [...]

Homeschooling, Unschooling, and Deschooling

By |2020-04-02T10:53:56+13:00April 3rd, 2020|Family|

Parents, I want to confess something to you. I have been a vocal homeschooler for years now, but I have not revealed how radical we are in our philosophy of educating our children. As we enter the long haul of quarantine, you may find this confession helpful. In the Huntress Clan, we may call ourselves [...]

A month of catching up

By |2019-09-07T10:38:41+12:00September 6th, 2019|Adventure, Family, New Zealand, Roundups|

The month started with a cancelled flight. I was in Denver, across the world from my family, at the NSA #Influence19 conference. The trip went great, I made a lot of top-notch connections, and stayed over an extra day after the conference ended to catch up on client work. When it was time for me [...]

Summer Christmas

By |2020-12-21T20:44:19+13:00December 14th, 2018|Family, Roundups|

Having a summer Christmas in New Zealand is odd. Like the whole world is turned upside-down. Which, I suppose in the Southern Hemisphere, it is. The sun rises before 6 am, and sets after 10. The longest day of the year is next week. It's disorienting to have our traditional Winter holiday as the [...]

A Detour Down Poverty Lane

By |2014-04-24T16:25:56+12:00April 24th, 2014|Introspection|

There are many kinds of wealth in the world, and I have lots of them. For a long time, though, I have only had a fortune without coin. This makes the burden of poverty easier to bear; my children are healthy and happy, we live an adventurous life, I am strong, and creative, and I spend my days [...]

The Baby is Imminent.

By |2011-12-26T13:35:43+13:00December 26th, 2011|Family|

After waiting for nine months, we are ready for the baby. Any day now. The holidays are done, the cradle is set up next to the bed, we have a supply of diapers and blankets; now we are just making minor tweaks to our plans. This is our third child. After going through [...]

Surprise Baby Shower!

By |2011-12-19T07:42:49+13:00December 19th, 2011|Family|

This weekend Heather Gamewell (Indilea's ballet teacher) and I put together a surprise baby shower for Johanna. The cover story: I told Johanna I was being interviewed by a reporter from El Financiero, the Costa Rica's version of the Business Journal. I left in the morning to set up the party, and called [...]

I’m a lucky bastard.

By |2011-09-25T07:43:40+13:00September 25th, 2011|Introspection|

Any list of personal gratitudes could potentially be very long, for any living person: having eyes, having a mind that allows you to think, a heart that gives you desires, and the fulfillment of even tiny desires - these are all gratitudes that are available to any of us. Sometimes, life puts us in the [...]

Family Dinner Redux

By |2011-09-13T06:28:45+12:00September 13th, 2011|Family|

By far, one of the greatest blessings of our new life is having family dinner together. Our house is small and cozy, making it easier to corral the chaos that is our children around a table for a meal. Every day, we sit around our small wooden table, and say grace, and eat dinner together. [...]

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